Please join us for the upcoming Greek School Program celebrating Greek Independence of March 25, 1821.

This is the final program of the school year presented by the Holy Trinity Greek School.  The Greek Independence Day Program will be held in church on Sunday, March 26th following the Divine Liturgy.  The program will also be live-streamed (and recorded) on the church’s YouTube channel.

The following is the anticipated schedule for the program:

    • Doxology – led by Choir/Chanters
    • Cypriot, Greek and American Flag Procession – led by altar boys
    • Greek National Anthem – led by Choir/Chanters and Greek School presenters
    • American National Anthem – led by Choir/Chanters and Greek School presenters
    • Greek Independence Day speech in Greek by Don Isenhath
    • Greek Independence Day speech in English by Maria McMurray
    • American Philhellenes Role in Greek War of Independence by Presv. Jenny Legakis
    • Το Ελληνικο Σχολειο by Vasilia Legakis
    • Φεγγαρακι Μου Λαμπρο by Lukia Legakis
    • Παντα Στο Χερι το Δαυλι by Alexander McMurray
    • Ο Θουριος του Ριγα Φεραιου by Jessica Williams
    • Fr. Larry closing remarks


The Story of Greek Independence